Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A day in the life of Vika

Sometime between 6:15 and 7 am - play quietly in my crib because I can hear no one else is awake. Then decide to change all that - suddenly scream like the roof is falling in and then watch mommy or daddy come running - just missing their nose on the door - all groggy eyed. Then smile sweetly and think inside how well that worked yet again. Happy to feed in bed with mommy.

7-8:00 play in the family room. Be sure to take at least one toy that Kyle is playing with and if that's not convenient be sure to shriek a few times during his favourite TV show. My magnet dolls are what I like to play with, but mostly I like to practice pulling myself up on the furniture so I can grab the remotes and other things silly adults leave out.

8-8:30 Eat breakfast. It is NECESSARY to scream if it is not mashed bananas with yogurt. And certainly do not try to sneak in vegetables for breakfast (I'm most certainly my daddy's girl!) Cheerios or toast are always good side dishes. Be sure to get Kyle laughing (and let him return the favour) right when mommy's about to lose her mind because Kyle won't eat again.

9:00 playtime!!! Maybe I'll bounce in my exerscauser or if I'm lucky mommy will pull the playpen outside while she hangs laundry. This is especially great because when I scream outside the neighbours can hear. I have to be sure that I don't let mommy see just how much I like it outside. This requires regular fits of fussiness so mommy must walk over and play peek a boo with me.

9:30 naptime. It takes a lot of energy keeping mommy from getting board so I need a little sleep. Although lately I can often go longer and sleep for a shorter period of time!

11:00 recharge with a feeding. Then maybe go a for a walk to the store. I LOVE going to the grocery stores. It is SOOO easy to charm Italians! Mom thinks it has to do with my blonde hair and blue eye but really it's because I'm so cute and I know how to charm! Lots of people in town even greet me with my name and come rushing over to see me!

12:00 Lunch. MORE YOGURT PLEASE! Hmmm, sometimes mommy doesn't seem to get this request. And sometimes she actually puts vegetables in the yogurt! It's not so bad if she gives me an arrowroot after.

1:00 more playtime. This is especially fun if Kyle is around. Sometimes he make me laugh - till my belly hurts and I can't breathe! If he's not around it's not so fun to hang out in the family room anymore. Mommy and Daddy put a baby gate across the fireplace so I can't crawl in it anymore. Did you know that soot works for finger paints on white walls?

1:30 I'm too tired. More sleep.

3:30 I'm hungry! Another feed with mom - but lately she is trying to get me to drink out of a sippy cup. Does she think I'm crazy?

4:00 Wait until Kyle wakes up and then we can go outside or for a walk! I really like this time! But it's a really good time to fuss and bug mom. She's often busy trying to do something like prepare dinner and she forgets about Kyle and I so I have to remind her we're here.

6:00 Dinner Finally! If we're going out for pizza be prepared to share! I love the crust and I will tell the whole restaurant if you don't share with me! Other things I like are: yogurt with banana, banana with yogurt and yogurt. I might try some vegetables if mommy cuts them up and lets me feed myself. This method is much better and I can make a way better mess! And if mommy bends over to clean it up then I can get it in her hair too!

7pm bath time! Fun Fun Fun! And Kyle usually helps me but he's not always good at sharing my bath toys!

8pm one more feed before bed. I'm exhausted! but I won't sleep if I don't have my susu.

Notice I don't have "take meds" on my schedule anymore!

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